We specialize in customizing handbag styles that are highly popular on Pinterest. Additionally, we offer stock handbags at prices 10%-35% lower than those on Alibaba. PU leather is the most preferred material among consumers.
Common backpacks are made from materials such as cotton, polyester, PU leather, and Oxford fabric. These materials determine the cost and durability of the backpacks. We offer private-label solutions to help differentiate your product from competitors.
Typically, toiletry bags are made from waterproof materials. Nylon, leather, and faux leather are durable fabrics, while plastic is a good option for producing clear bags.
Our travel bags include insulated bags for picnics and storage bags for luggage, among others. Popular fabrics include polyester, nylon, rattan, Oxford, and cloth.
Pouches are commonly made from materials such as cotton, polyester, mesh, or plastic. They are designed for various purposes, such as shopping, storage, or protection. They are typically low-cost and offer high margins.
A bag can serve multiple purposes, and some bags are designed for specific functions. For example, we offer first aid bags, bicycle bags, storage bags, and more.